Halal Gummies - All the flavors!


Gummy Rush by Cheery Chews, a 100% Halal variety of gummies available in a bunch of different flavors. We’re not here to re-invent the wheel, but our creativity demands that we rebrand some of these gummies with more Islamic names (just for ourselves of course, we’re not getting into the legalese.)

So check ‘em out and pick the ones you like:

Mush-Mush (Atomic Peaches), Berry Bliss, Glad it was a whale and not Blue Sharks, Only buy Salaam Cola Bottles, Baby Bottles, Fizzy Cherries, Gummy Bears, Gummy Buraqs (Gummy Unicorns), Gummy Worms, Neon Worms, Tiny Turtles and Sour Party Mix.

Gummy Variation:
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